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How to Help a Child with RAD Give Holiday Gifts

Children with Reactive Attachment Disorder struggle giving holiday gifts to others for many reasons.This struggle can cause significant stress and tension for friends and family.Feelings get hurt.Everyone experiences trauma. There are ways to make the gift giving experience more pleasant for everyone while helping the child with RAD.How to Help a Child with RAD Give Holiday GiftsWarning: This page contains content related to Reactive Attachment Disorder that may be triggering to some.  Important: Children...
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Christmas Sensory Kit Ideas for Kids and Teens

We don't know what we'd do without our Christmas sensory kits. Kids and teens alike benefit from them so much.When Christmas sensory kits are filled with items that meet sensory needs, those that use them are able to stay regulated and be okay in situations they otherwise would not be.Christmas sensory kits have literally saved our Christmases throughout the year.Every child and teen have different sensory needs, which means no one sensory kit is going to look alike.In this post I share contents...
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