When asked how I cope with all that goes on in life, the answer is Internal Family Systems or IFS.
Today, I want to share with you my Internal Family Systems parts as a mother of a husband and children with developmental, emotional, and trauma based disabilities, and as someone who experienced trauma as a child.
This is probably the most intimate post I've ever written about myself, but I feel it's that important.
It's my hope that by doing so, I can help others feel more comfortable with the idea that we are all made up of parts, not just those with multiple personalities, etc.
As we understand our parts, how they feel and work, we can begin to care for them and unburden them, healing from trauma in our lives.
Healing is possible.
Internal Family Systems therapy is non-pathologizing, which means there are no labels or diagnoses.
At the same time Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapists must bill insurance companies, which do require labels and diagnoses.
Internal Family Systems therapy has helped me heal from PTSD and anxiety.
Internal Family Systems: A Mother's Parts
Below are names and descriptions of each of my parts. On average an adult has between ten and twenty-two parts.
Each of my parts have names that I have selected.
Naming parts helps communication between parts and the Self.
Each part also has an age, which is the age I was when the part developed. For the sake of this post I have not shared ages.
As I went through three and a half years of Internal Family Systems therapy, I was able to identify all of my parts and unburden them.
Once unburdened I was able to work with each part to understand what they wanted their new jobs to be.
As my parts have taken on their new jobs, I have been able to heal.
Please be aware that healing doesn't mean that triggers disappear.
Healing means that I am able to work through triggers in the Self, who leads the parts in healthy ways.
When referring to parts, one refers to each part as "it" until the part establishes otherwise.
The Destroyer
Before Unburdening: He believes that no matter how much effort and work is put into a goal or task, the shoe will fall, and the effort and progress will be ruined or taken away.
The Punisher
Before Unburdening: She believes that failure to achieve should be punished. Punishment comes in the form of not taking care of the physical body because it’s not worth taking care of.
The Monster
Before Unburdening: She prefers to blame me and take responsibility for bad things that have happened, instead of putting the responsibility on others for their actions.
Taking responsibility motivates me to become better. Removing responsibility from others allows them to still be loved and respected by me.
The Monster works with Unlovable and Not Good Enough. It prevents me from feeling Grief and Acceptance.
After Unburdening: The Monster wants me to forgive myself for being human. No one is perfect.
Bad things happened to me. I did the best I could with the knowledge I had at the time. The more I learn and grow, the healthier I become when making choices and reacting to what goes on around me.
Judy Hopps
Before Unburdening: She is always willing to give 200% to get the job done and to do it the best it’s ever been done. There’s no task too difficult.
The Problem Solver
Before Unburdening: She has a talent for working through difficult situations, troubleshooting issues, planning, preparing for any scenario. Every scenario can be worked through.
Before Unburdening: He is protective of those he loves, willing to do whatever it takes to obtain necessary help, even if it means fighting with others and being inflexible.
This part often works with Not Good Enough and the Monster leaving me feeling awful when put in situations where I need to advocate for family member's needs.
It can also work with Save the World, Special Love, The Problem Solver, and Judy Hopps.
Wolverine prevents me from feeling Fear of the Unknown, Grief, Acceptance, and Helplessness.
After Unburdening: Wolverine me to understand that I am not a bad person for advocating for my family member's needs. It is okay to advocate while being kind and respectful, understanding that there is only so much that can be done in certain situations.
I don't have to take on the world, to ensure my children and others receive the supports they need. Focusing on the needs of just my family is enough.
Before Unburdening: She believes that no one can love or care for her because of the way she looks, feels, and acts. No matter how hard she tries or how much she changes, it doesn’t change the fact that she does not deserve to be loved because of who she is.
Special Love
Before Unburdening: She believes that everyone, no matter what they’ve done, how they behave, or what they look like, deserve to be loved. Special Love has a deep love and dedication to those who have been cast out by others, and always sees the diamond in the rough.
Not Good Enough
Before Unburdening: No matter how hard she tries, or how much she does, it is never enough, and so she tries and does even more. Not Good Enough blames herself for everything that goes wrong, not taking into account other people’s choices and actions.
This part can be paralyzing at times, especially when working with the Monster or Wolverine. Sometimes these parts can be polarized though, depending on the situation.
Once Not Good Enough is present, the Destroyer and Punisher often join in with negative thoughts.
Not Good Enough prevents me from feeling Grief and Acceptance.
After Unburdening: It's enough to just be good. I am a good person.
Save the World
Before Unburdening: She is very passionate about standing up for others who don’t have a voice. She is dedicated to making the world a better place in as many ways she can.
When this part leads the way, the Monster, Wolverine, and Not Good Enough sometimes step aside.
Save the World often works with Special Love.
This part prevents me from feeling Grief, Acceptance, and Fear of the Unknown.
After Unburdening: I don't need to be a full time activist with a loud voice to help change the world, especially when doing so is stressful, takes up so much time, causes burn out, and negative effects on my health.
It's okay to focus on changes I make in my personal life on a daily basis that will benefit the world and my family.
Small changes add up and do make a difference.
Before Unburdening: She feels left behind, cast out, or on her own, unaccepted for who she is, undeserving of support and love from others.
Miss Independent
Before Unburdening: She feels she doesn’t need others and is completely fine on her own. She also longs for a time when others are not dependent on her and she is free to do as she wishes.
The Right Thing
Before Unburdening: He believes that there is a right answer in every scenario so long as he studies all the moving parts long enough. By studying facts instead of the emotional reactions of others, the correct answer will be there. There are no regrets with this method.
The Wall
Before Unburdening: They (bricks) form a protective wall around me during situations where there may be conflict to ensure my safety, calm, and continued functioning.
People Pleaser
Before Unburdening: When feeling misunderstood and judged, without a way out of the scenario, she will succumb to other people’s thoughts and ideas, instead of standing her ground, accepting responsibility, even when it isn’t hers, in order to remain safe and feel okay.
Before Unburdening: This part informs other parts if situations are safe. If a situation is not safe, she will help create a safe space for functioning.
Suffocated Soul
Before Unburdening: They* feel overwhelmed and panicked when there are too many demands from too many different people, or when the needs of one or more people is too much or too prolonged without breaks.
*The Suffocated Soul often feels like a crowd of voices, which is why I use the pronoun "they."
The Dementor
Before Unburdening: He sucks the joy out of life, leaving feelings of emptiness, despair, and feelings of being trapped with no way out.
The Minimizer
Before Unburdening: When feeling overwhelmed, she is very quick to scan the situation and minimize as many aspects of it as possible to make it doable. The main idea is to get rid of anything unnecessary.
The Islander
Before Unburdening: She prefers to be alone on an island by herself without the worries and pressures of life. This part is perfectly content being isolated as relationships with people are too overwhelming and can be so much work.
The Internal Family Systems therapy model has completely changed my life for the better.
It has helped me overcome trauma from my past, and also cope with current trauma in my life, as a mother of two adopted children with Reactive Attachment Disorder.
The process of unburdening parts has been fascinating and empowering. It feels so incredible not to be part led, but instead Self-led as often as possible, despite what's happening in life.
Internal Family Systems has helped me learn to communicate with family members more effectively, remaining calm in the most difficult of circumstances.
I'm able to pause and reflect on the Internal Family System of a family member who may be struggling at any given time, and provide the love and support that's needed, without taking things so personally.
It makes such a difference knowing that it's not the whole person who feels a certain way, but only parts of that person.
Internal Family Systems has helped me set healthy boundaries in relationships and find my Self to lead my parts in the healthiest of ways.
I am able to understand my own triggers and the whys behind them, which helps so much in relationships with family members, friends, and others.
I highly recommend Internal Family systems therapy!
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What a brave and amazing post! Thank you so much for sharing! I am impressed by and truly live all your parts! This is so inciteful!