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Thanksgiving Sensory Bins and Invitations to Play

Thanksgiving is coming soon! Do you have sensory bins and invitations to play ready for your kiddos to enjoy? 

I find that Thanksgiving sensory bins and invitations to play are the perfect way to entertain tots and preschoolers as they wait for the big feast and desserts to be served.

Sensory bins and invitations to play are also great ways to encourage fun while learning, especially when working on vocabulary and fine motor skills, all while helping a child regulate their senses.

It can be difficult sometimes to come up with new ideas. For this reason we've put together a list that includes multiple sensory bins and invitations to play that will help make your Thanksgiving absolutely fabulous!

Thanksgiving Sensory Bins and Invitations to Play

Thanksgiving Sensory Bins and Invitations to Play

1. Pumpkin and Acorn Sensory Soup

I don't know of a single child who doesn't enjoy water play, especially when it includes a utensil to scoop and items to scoop. This is sure to be a hit. Just make sure to have plenty of towels on hand or place the soup bowl in a location where it's okay to spill water.

2. Thanksgiving Sensory Bin

This simple sensory bin looks to be fun for any child, without too much worry about what is hiding. For Princess, this is always something very important. I love that this sensory bin also introduces a way to include scent. 

3. Signs of Autumn Sensory Bin

This is another water based sensory bin that incorporates nature, which I LOVE! It provides so many opportunities to learn about objects that sink or float, and so much more. 

4. Another Thanksgiving Sensory Bin

Are you looking for a way to use left over roasted pumpkin seeds? This sensory bin provides a solution. I love that this bin includes multiple colors and textures. Even if you don't have the exact objects included in this bin, there's a way to make things work with what you might have on hand.

5. Autumn Sensory Play Dough

If your kiddos love playdough, they'll love this invitation to play! The colors are beautiful. Objects come from nature. Scents are incredible. There is so much fun to be had here!

6. Simple Thanksgiving Sensory Bin

The simplicity of this sensory bin is what makes it so much fun. It includes fabulous color and texture. The tools and objects presented set up a perfect invitation for play. This is sure to be a hit with kids, especially toddlers.

7. Thanksgiving Turkey Play Dough

If the turkey is the focus of your Thanksgiving celebration, this invitation to play is sure to be a hit. Who doesn't like making their own turkey, feathers and all?

8. Cranberry Science Thanksgiving Bin

So much fun can be had with a bag of cranberries, as is proven with this Thanksgiving sensory bin. I love how tools have been incorporated into the fun.

9. Bear Says Thanks Sensory Bin

This sensory bin goes with the book, Bear Says Thanks by Karma Wilson. It provides so many fun opportunities for play and learning. The sensory bin is a bit more complex than others included in this post, but I feel that's what makes it so great for children in preschool and early elementary.

10. Thanksgiving Dinner Sensory Bin

This sensory bin has it all! I love that it incorporates nature items and food items that represent the Thanksgiving holiday. The bin and activity are a bit bigger than most, but sure to be fun!

Thanksgiving Sensory Bins and Invitations to Play at Every Star Is Different

Over the years we've created multiple sensory bins that are perfect for Thanksgiving. These sensory bins specifically meet the needs of our children but can easily be modified to meet the needs of children with other needs.

We hope you enjoy them as much as we have!

This invitation to play is the perfect way to embrace the changes of the season, specifically how trees change. I love that it includes multiple ways to create a tree and personalize it.

2. Pumpkin Themed Thanksgiving Sensory Bin

The focus of this sensory bin is the letter P with a Thanksgiving theme. The base of the bin is designed to meet Sunshine's sensory needs, but can easily be changed for others. She loved searching for matching items as she played.

3. Native Americans Sensory Bin

This sensory bin includes multiple grains and other items that create a base with a lot of texture. It also includes items that represent Native Americans. The sky is the limit as to what could be added, depending on what objects you have on hand.

We hope you enjoy these Thanksgiving sensory bin and invitations to play resources!

For those who would like more sensory resources, be sure to subscribe to our free newsletter by clicking the link below.

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