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Montessori Sensorial Materials: Pink Tower and Brown Stair

I can think of no other Montessori Sensorial Materials that children love more than the Pink Tower and Brown Stair. They are a staple in every Montessori preschool classroom teaching sensorial and math concepts to all.

Our children have LOVED these materials over the years. Whether they're building that first pink tower or trying extensions, they are so happy when handling these materials. 

I think the proprioceptive and visual input that children receive while working with these materials make them all the more helpful and loved in the classroom.

Montessori Sensorial Materials: The Pink Tower and Brown Stair

Montessori Sensorial Materials: Pink Tower and Brown Stair

Some wonder if the Pink Tower and Brown Stair are worth purchasing. I'm here to say 100% yes! 

There are so many things to do with these materials. My kids can't keep their hands off of them.

If you have a child who craves proprioceptive input or visual input like Bulldozer, these materials are a must!

Montessori Pink Tower

So then the question becomes, what can you do with these materials beyond building towers?

The answer is extensions! 

There are so many ways to use these materials by themselves and together.

You just need to know where to look for some fabulous activity ideas and controls.

Montessori Pink Tower and Brown Stair Activities

Dinomite is definitely a few steps beyond building a basic tower with these sensorial materials, but when I give him a template or control he needs to follow, he starts advancing his skills further, especially when both materials are included in the challenge.

I love his expressions in these photos because they show how much effort and concentration goes into these activities. The photos also show how pleased he is with himself.

The cards may not look challenging, but I assure you they are. To line up every size perfectly takes time and a lot of effort!

Montessori Pink Tower and Brown Stair Activities

You can find several extensions out there. 

One of our favorites is from Montessori Print Shop. I love the challenges the resource includes as they are all so very different.</ p>

The resource also provides multiple levels of difficulty to meet the needs of all children.

No matter what type of extension your child prefers, there's something for everyone.

Montessori Pink Tower and Brown Stair Activities that kids enjoy!

Some may worry about the weight of these materials along with possible mishaps. 

Truthfully, we've never had an incident. The weight requires children to handle with care. 

Most extension challenges require building from the biggest to the smallest, or similar, so the biggest and most heavy materials aren't really at risk for doing damage.

Montessori Pink Stair Challenges

Now, if you're looking for even more fun resources, especially those that are free, I highly recommend the Pink Tower and Brown Stair Extension Activities from Creciendo con Montessori. This printable is being used in the image above.

They provide so many different extension challenges for kids. All of my children loved them, especially Princess.

Sensorial materials are so important to include in the classroom. The Pink Tower and Brown Stair are no exceptions!

For those who are looking for more sensorial resource for the classroom, be sure to subscribe to our free newsletter by clicking on the link below.

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Montessori Sensorial Materials: Pink Tower and Brown Stair

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