Blog Archive

The Dos and Don'ts of Wearing a Wig

Wearing a wig can be so much fun.  However there is definitely a learning curve to wearing one successfully.  And there are times when you want to avoid wearing one all together. After wearing wigs for more than fifteen years, I feel it's time to share the dos and don'ts of wearing a wig by Renae. Welcome to Wearing a Wig 101! The Dos and Don'ts of Wearing a Wig Don't wear high neck clothing. High neck tops will rub against the hair and sometimes the seams of the bottom...
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8 Reasons Why I Love Having No Hair

A few weeks ago on facebook I noticed a friend's status.  She was asking for help.  Her daughter was recently diagnosed with alopecia and was losing hair.  As a teen the situation was quite devastating. This reminded me of an experience I had a couple years ago speaking to another friend.  She had breast cancer at the time and was going through chemotherapy.  As a result she had lost all of her hair and was trying to adjust to wearing a wig. In both of these instances...
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Semi-Annual Reader Appreciation Sale!

It's that time of year again!  Time to say thank you to all of you for your love, support, and kindness.   This Semi-Annual Reader Appreciation Sale is even more special because it marks the end of one era and the beginning of another at Every Star Is Different.   My husband is returning home full time to work with me on the blog!  I am so excited to have him back.  His last day of work outside of the home is July 20th.  We couldn't be more excited. This...
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Montessori-inspired Squirrel Gifts Ideas and Classroom Resources for Children

Squirrels are such a fun animal to study during the fall season, especially when you incorporate acorns into activities and learning.   They also make for a great fall classroom theme.  And we all know how much fun it is to decorate a classroom to match a special theme. Sunshine has been obsessed with squirrels for quite some time.  It only made sense to share our favorite Montessori-inspired squirrel gift ideas and classroom resources for children.   Montessori-inspired...
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Four Prompts to Encourage Mindfulness in Children

We've been working incredibly hard with Sunshine to help her pause and calm herself before responding inappropriately to situations around her. This has been quite challenging as Sunshine has a very low frustration tolerance.  When she becomes upset, aggression is her go to coping mechanism, despite how inappropriate and harmful it may be. When we're able to observe Sunshine is becoming upset, we immediately use the following four prompts to encourage mindfulness.  These work extremely...
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Gift Ideas for 9 Year Old Girls

Princess is turning nine years old at the end of this month.  I still can't believe she'll be that old.  My has the time flown by.  It has been quite the adventure to watch her change from a little girl into a preteen.  Needless to say there are only a few toys that are "cool" anymore. These gift ideas for 9 year old girls were selected by Princess herself. If you have a daughter transititioning into that preteen stage as well, we hope these help when it comes time for gift...
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What Family Life Looks Life After the Mental Health Crisis is Over (Chapter 10)

It's been almost four weeks since Sunshine started her day program. It's been over two months since our world turned upside down. People are asking, "How is everything going?" This is my attempt to share what family life looks like after the mental health crisis is over. There are so many changes, strong emotions and sacrifices on every one's behalf. Life Turned Upside Down We are a late to bed and late to rise homeschooling family.  My husband works the 2 PM to 11 PM shift and...
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