Blog Archive

The Ultimate Montessori Math Bundle

We have been in painting mode at our house this week as we prepare to sign papers to buy the home we’re living in. Yet, the only thing that I can think about is The Ultimate Montessori Math Bundle. I am so proud of it. Not just it’s creation, but how much it benefits my children. The Ultimate Montessori Math Bundle took months to create. Not because I’m slow, but because I wanted to make it perfect and that took time, observation, and a lot of blood, sweat and tears. You see, it was specifically...
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FREE Disney Princess Inspired Learning Printables and Worksheets

I make sure to have access to as many FREE Disney Princess Inspired Learning Printables or worksheets as possible.  They're perfect for vacation fun, busy bags, and so much more. There's just something about Disney Princesses.  They are timeless.  I find it so much fun to pass down my love of these characters to my own daughters. It shouldn't come as no surprise that my two girls love all things Disney Princess related as well.   FREE Disney Princess...
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Must Have Safety Resources When Parenting a Child with Reactive Attachment Disorder

Trigger Warning: This article discusses many negative behaviors related to Reactive Attachment Disorder.  I do this to explain the why behind each safety resource.  When I use words like "horrific" and "insane" I am describing the behaviors and disorder, NOT the child.Today I've put together this list of Must Have Safety Resources When Parenting a Child with Reactive Attachment Disorder.When you're living in the trenches as parent or caregiver of a child with Reactive Attachment...
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Auditory Sensory Resources for Children

So many children struggle with auditory stimuli.  Some crave it.  Others are extremely sensitive to it.  There are also children who suffer with auditory processing disorders.   In our house we have kiddos who struggle with all of these issues.  Dinomite is extremely sensitive to auditory stimuli.  Bulldozer has difficulties with auditory processing.  Sunshine craves auditory stimuli at all times. Over the years we've gathered quite a collection of...
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