Blog Archive

My Spiritual Responsibility List (Free Printable)

In our family, we always have the best of intentions when it comes to fulfilling spiritual responsibilities on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.  Sometimes life gets busy.  Other times it's easy to forget when distracted by life's adventures.  My husband and I realized it would benefit everyone in the house to have a visual reminder and a way to check ourselves. This led to the creation of My Spiritual Responsibility List which I am sharing with you as a free printable....
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When Thinking Positive Thoughts Isn't Enough

I am exhausted.  I am angry.  I am discouraged. My grief is overflowing.  My heart can't take much more. The fear and helplessness are unreal. And yet it keeps coming.  There is no end to this. Some people say it will turn out all right in the end.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel.  Think positive.  Work hard.  Don't give up.  It will get better. I've tried all that.  There are some times in life when thinking positive thoughts isn't...
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A Year's Worth of Monthly Service Projects for Families

We have discovered that one of the best ways to teach our children social skills (and a whole lot of other stuff) is through service.  There are so many wonderful lessons learned.  The experiences are unforgettable. This month we're starting another year's worth of monthly service projects.  The service projects are designed for families with children of all ages and abilities.  Here's what we're doing!A Year's Worth of Monthly Service Projects for Families Month 1: Sponsor...
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Food Issues: Are They Behavioral, Sensory Related, or Medical?

Each one of my children has had a difficult time when it's come to food and issues involving food.  First there was Dinomite who refused to nurse after the first week.  Feeding him bottles went no better.  Don't even get me started on solids.  By the age of 18 months the doctor was saying that if Dinomite didn't start gaining weight we were going to have to do something drastic. From the moment Bulldozer was born there were food issues.  To put it bluntly the poor kid couldn't...
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Montessori-inspired Asia Unit with Free Printables

Asia is a big continent to tackle in a single unit study.  There is so much to cover.  Perhaps this is why I've procrastinated our Asia Unit for so long.  But at last, it is finally here with free printables and everything. You'll note that for a few activities we focus on individual countries, but for the most part we're focusing on regions or larger concepts of Asian culture.  This has proven to be the perfect way to introduce the kiddos to the continent as a whole. This...
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