Blog Archive

The Montessori Silence Game

The Montessori Silence Game is a fabulous way to help kiddos learn about self regulation.  It helps develop concentration and self-discipline.  Kiddos also learn the value of silence as they participate in the game, which can be a great thing in this busy world we live in.The Montessori Silence Game is very simple and can be played at home, school, or outdoors.  There are many variations that you can try out.   The Montessori Silence Game To help you understand how the...
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Christmas Eve Festivities

In our home, Christmas Eve (and Christmas Day) are celebrated early to avoid PTSD triggers related to Santa for Princess, and to help the boys and Sunshine with their holiday anxieties. In our opinion it's just not worth watching them suffer, when we can do something about it.  It's our hope that when they're older, they'll be able to make it to the official date on the calendar, but if not that's okay too. I couldn't wait to share our Christmas Eve festivities with you.  Even...
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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our family to yours! We’re playing a little catch up with our letter this year as we were unable to send one out in 2015. So much has happened over the past two years! Jason returned home from work in May of 2015. The demands of Sunshine’s special needs are such that two adults need to be present at home to keep everyone safe, happy, and healthy. He now works full time with Renae on the blog. The two released their first book, Holidays and PTSD:...
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Santa Lucia Day Activities, Free Printables and More!

The kiddos are learning about Santa Lucia Day as part of our Christmas in Europe study.  Princess loves the idea of Santa Lucia Day.  I'm guessing this is because the day has nothing to do with Santa. In an effort to organize activities and resources, I bring you Santa Lucia Day Activities, Free Printables and More!  There are so many fun ideas.  We are going to have so much fun as we expand our Santa Lucia Day Celebration! Santa Lucia Day Activities, Free Printables and...
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