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3rd Grade Reading List Recommendations

Here is our 3rd Grade Reading List, aka Dinomite's reading list for the year.

The three older kiddos are writing and reading independently now.  Hooray!!!  

It's time to introduce reading assignments for this year.

We have so many book recommendations based on the ages and interests of our kids!  

3rd Grade Reading List Recommendations

Each kiddo is receiving a reading list of 15 books

They will select one each month (September through June), or ten throughout the year to read.  

All books were individually selected by my husband and I based on their interests.

Dinomite is in 3rd grade this year.  However his reading abilities and comprehension are that of a middle schooler.  

Balancing age appropriate subject matter, interests, and abilities proved to be a bit challenging, but in the end I think we've created a great list for him.

Dinomite has already started his book list, too impatient to wait.  

I kid you not he stayed up all night reading his first choice, because he enjoyed it so much.

3rd Grade Reading List Recommendations

Superfudge by Judy Blume

We read Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing aloud last year and Dinomite loved it.  I know he'll thoroughly enjoy the next book in the series and will have no problems reading it on his own.

The Family Under the Bridge by Natalie Savage Carlson

This book was selected to provide variety to Dinomite's reading list. It's not necessarily something he'd choose on his own, but I think he will really enjoy it.

Henry Huggins by Beverly Cleary

Last year we read Beezus and Ramona as a family and everyone loved it.  Needless to say Henry Huggins will be well liked.

Mr. Popper's Penguins by Richard Atwater

This is the book that Dinomite selected first and read in one night, laughing and giggling all the way.  I do believe he's read it three times since.  It was the word "penguin" in the title that led him to choose the book.

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis

Believe it or not, none of our kiddos have read any of this beloved series.  We'll see if Dinomite enjoys it and wants to read more.

Stone Fox by John Reynolds Gardiner

This is one of my favorite stories from childhood. I've been waiting for Dinomite to be ready for it.  Knowing he loves any type of race, I'm sure he'll enjoy it.

The Secret Zoo by Bryan Chick

This book is Dinomite's first introduction to mysteries.  Knowing how much he loves animals, I figured it would be a good fit for him.  I can't wait to see what he thinks.

Magic Treehouse #1 Dinosaurs Before Dark by Mary Pope Osborne

Would you believe me if I said none of our kiddos have been introduced to the Magic Treehouse books?  I'm hoping since it's about dinosaurs, Dinomite will enjoy it.

Shoeless Joe and Me by Dan Gutman

This book is from the Baseball Card Adventures series.  Dinomite has read Babe and Me and absolutely loved it.  He's been asking to read another from the series, but always forgets when he goes to the library, hence why it's now on his reading list.

The Year of Billy Miller by Kevin Henkes

I'm excited to include another feel good book for boys in Dinomite's list of choices.  It will provide great opportunities for comparison of family life, homeschooling versus school life and more.

Homer Price by Robert McCloskey

This book is unlike any I've seen Dinomite read.  I'm hoping it will provide fabulous opportunities to expand his imagination while he laughs and giggles at the nature of the story.

Number the Stars by Lois Lowry

Dinomite loves history and has shown an intense desire to learn about WWII.  Remembering this book from my childhood, I'm hoping it provides him with the insight into the time period he's looking for.

Amos Fortune, Free Man by Elizabeth Yates

As we've watched the news, Dinomite has become quite aware of racism, but lacks the basic understanding of why it happens to begin with.  This book will be his first introduction to black history.

The Big Wave by Pearl S. Buck

I selected this book for Dinomite because it tells the story of a boy from another culture.  It also introduces him to trials and tribulations and teaches how one can work through them.

Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson

Dinomite loves all things pirates, so this book choice was a no-brainer when it came to choosing a classic that he might like.  I'm sure I'll be seeing a lot of pretend play as he enjoys the story with maps, buried treasure and so much more.

If you enjoyed this post, you may like the resources below.

1st Grade Reading List 2nd Grade Reading List Chapter Book Recommendations for 3rd Graders Read Aloud List for School Year Lower Elementary reading List for 2015-2016The Best Ballet Books for Kids

1 comment:

  1. We love so many of these books; My middle son just LOVED The Secret Zoo series. So much so that nearly a year or two later he still asks me to check and see if they have come out with any more.
