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Renae Today-October

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The month of October was filled with excitement and energy.  And why not?  It was the month that we took our first vacation to Walt Disney World in Florida.  For the first week or so of the month we tried to keep life as routine as possible, with extra curricular activities, learning time etc., just so the kiddos wouldn't be crazy.  But then when the week arrived that we would leave, we went into full packing mode.  One necessary item for each of the kiddos was Halloween costumes for Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party.  Selecting, ordering, and having costumes arrive on time was a bit tricky.  Princess' costume was said to be in stock, then was said to be on back order. The costume she's wearing above is her back up costume. Thankfully her original costume arrived the day before we headed to our vacation destination.

We were in flew to Orlando, Florida on the 14th and spent an entire week there, flying back home on October 20th.  You can read all about our trip in the following posts:

Upon returning home, our plan was to have loads more fun, however, within a few days Dinomite was sick, and then the rest followed.  Jason and I became sick as well.  The trip was definitely worth it, but the kiddos were sad to miss Halloween here at home because they weren't feeling well.

That's Renae today!

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