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Picnic Activities for Tots & Preschoolers w/ Free Printables
Pioneer Busy Bags for Tots and Preschoolers with Free Printables
Pioneer Clothespin Match Up
Stringing Buttons Using Pipe Cleaners
Pioneer Play
Handcarts & Wagons Sorting Activity
Picking Berries Transfer
Campfire Snack

Montessori-inspired Music Activities with Free Printables
Red Light, Green Light with Music Signs
Music Dynamics Sorting Activity
Music Tones in Nature
Music Conducting 101
Fractions in Music
Divisions of 4 with Montessori Beads: Understanding Time Signatures in Music


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The Universe: The Milky Way & Solar System Activities for Kids with Free Printables
What is the pink series? It is the Montessori way of introducing beginning phonics, using short vowel sounds and CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words.
The pink series has a specific sequence, as you prepare your little one to read, write, and spell. Once a child completes the sequence of pink series learning activities, he moves on to the blue series, and finally the green series.
I came across a wonderful post: The Montessori Pink Series from Our Montessori Home that explained the pink series in detail with pictures, I thought I'd share for those who want to understand it more.
By the end of last year, all three kiddos were proficient at matching objects and pictures with first letter sounds. Dinomite has progressed much farther than that, but we've never officially worked through the pink series material. Princess and Bulldozer are finally ready and interested in it, so it's the perfect time to present it to them.
I've decided to take things extremely slow as Bulldozer and Princess (at times) mix up their short vowel sounds. I'll be focusing on one short vowel sound per unit study, and then progress to all of them once each individual vowel has been covered.
I've created a variety of activities on the shelves each week to accommodate all the different learning styles and levels the kiddos are at. Enjoy!
Pink Series: Objects w/ Movable Alphabet
This is truly miraculous to me. You'd better bet I'm going to start collecting more tangible objects. Lol
The object of the activity is to use the movable alphabet to spell the names of the tangible items on the tray. So simple, yet the effects are so amazing.
Pink Series: My Book of Short "a" Sound Words
Source: I created the printable for this activity. The Montessori Pink Series Printable Pack 1 is a free printable. You can access your copy by visiting our Montessori-inspired Pink Series Activities and Free Printables post.
Pink Series: Matching Picture to Word Cards
Source: I created the printable for this activity. The Montessori Pink Series Printable Pack 1 is a free printable. You can access your copy by visiting our Montessori-inspired Pink Series Activities and Free Printables post.
Pink Series: Phrase & Picture Match Up with Grammar Practice
We've made it through almost all of the Level 3 BOB Book series. He practices reading each book until he's proficient and then we move on to the next.
After reading the same word in several books, again and again, he usually can apply it to other situations like workbooks or activities on our shelves. However, he struggles sounding out words because of the vowel sound confusion (and a few other things).
I wanted him to feel successful when reading when working with this activity. Thankfully, the activity is a success!
The phrases for this activity were specifically chosen to help him work on mastering one vowel sound at at time.
For this week, all the words on the cards have the short "a" sound. I've paired the phrases with pictures to help him if needed. After the first day, the control match ups were removed from the tray, as he didn't need them anymore.
When I noticed what type of phrases were used in the pink series sequence, I realized that this activity would also be the perfect way to review the noun family: article, adjective, noun. I included a control card for the grammar symbols in case the kiddos have forgotten which ones are which.
I always find it so amusing that Bulldozer knows all of his grammar symbols and definitions but he can't read or spell. The kiddos are using grammar symbols from our new Montessori Basic Wooden Grammar Symbols with Box.
Princess has done this activity every single day. She has always loved dissecting phrases and sentences.
Source: I created the printable for this activity. The Montessori Pink Series Printable Pack 1 is a free printable. You can access your copy by visiting our Montessori-inspired Pink Series Activities and Free Printables post.
Books about the Universe & Planets
This is our new reading corner! The library books on the shelves will be switched out for every unit. If the kiddos would like to read during our learning time, this is where they go. I'm trying to make sure I'm selecting a variety of literary works, both fiction and non-fiction for each unit. Even when it's not learning time, there's usually someone in the bean bag reading.
If you'd like to see what books are on the shelves during our study of the Milky Way and solar system, be sure to check out our post: Children's Books About the Universe.
Sequencing Planets with Ordinal Numbers
Source: I created the printable for this activity. The Milky Way & Solar System Printable Pack 1 is a free printable. For your copy, click on the link at the bottom of this post.
Creating Numbers 1-9,999
If you'd like a better understanding of how these Montessori Materials can be used, youtube is a great resource.
Creating Numbers 1-9,999,999
You can better understand it's purpose as you watch this video on Youtube.
To carry over what the kiddos learned in the previous activity, I added cards from our Montessori Bank Game. The kiddos can create and visualize each number. As they create numbers, they present them verbally to me so I know they understand how to pronounce them. They're getting better and better at this.
Learning Numbers to Decillion
Though we are only studying numbers to decillion, it's still plenty for them to try to wrap their heads around. This week's activity is also a great way to introduce the concept of the power of numbers in a way that's not too overwhelming.
When choosing this activity the kiddos will put the numbers in the correct order and then select a few (according to their age) to attempt to write out on the white board provided. This has been very entertaining to watch. Ten to the 33rd power is a LOT of zeros. Lol.
Source: I created the printable for this activity. The Milky Way & Solar System Printable Pack 1 is a free printable. For your copy, click on the link at the bottom of this post.
Planet Poetry Match Up
It's the kiddos' job to match up the correct poem to the corresponding picture. Poems come from the book: Comets, Stars, the Moon, and Mars: Space Poems and Paintings. All of the kiddos have thoroughly enjoyed the poems. I'm in love with the book! Each kiddo has also chosen one of the planet poems to memorize and share. This will be their first time memorizing poetry. I'm super psyched!
Source: I created the printable for this activity. The Milky Way & Solar System Printable Pack is a free printable. For your copy, click on the link at the bottom of this post.
Universe Vocabulary Match Up
Creating the Solar System
My Place in the Universe
The kiddos will cut out each circle and draw a picture representing each place. Once all circles have been cut out and colored, they'll staple them together. I've provided a control in case they need help with the order.
Source: I created the printable for this activity. The Milky Way & Solar System Printable Pack 1 is a free printable. For you copy, click on the link at the bottom of this post.
Important People in the History of the Universe
Our timing couldn't have been more perfect with new pictures of Pluto coming this week. This event really brought the idea behind this activity to life.
Source: Jason created the cards for this activity. The Milky Way & Solar System Printable Pack 1 is a free printable. For your copy, click on the link at the bottom of this post.
So much fun can be had learning about the Milky way and solar system!