Blog Archive

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Unit with Free Printables

Over the course of the last couple of weeks, the kiddos and I have read through the book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J. K. Rowling.  Once we were finished with the book, I couldn't resist designing a unit study to go with it.   The kiddos have absolutely loved our Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Unit.  They can't get enough of it.  This has seriously been the best Halloween themed unit ever! Here's what we've been up to! Harry Potter and...
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Halloween Unit for Tots & Preschoolers w/ Free Printables

Sunshine is very intrigued by Halloween.  Intrigued and a little bit frightened by it.  Her reaction to the holiday led me to create this Halloween Unit for Tots & Preschoolers with Free Printables. The activities are designed to help her understand what's real and what's pretend in regards to Halloween.  Sunshine loves cats, so you'll notice a particular focus on black cats as well.  She has absolutely loved these activities. Halloween Unit for Tots & Preschoolers...
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Liebster Award

I am so excited to announce that Every Star Is Different has been nominated for the Liebster Award!  What is that exactly?  It's an award that's all about love for new and upcoming blogs.  Most importantly, and most flattering, I was nominated by one of my readers!  Thank you Laura!  I am so honored to accept. Laura's blog has some fabulous hands-on activities for preschoolers.  Her posts have so much detail.  The ideas are great!  If you haven't visited...
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Beginning Phonics Activities and Printables

Bulldozer struggles with reading, writing, and spelling.  I admit, I'm struggling to find ways to teach him these things in ways that are effective. It's amazing how every kiddo is so different.  Today, I took some time researching ideas, and I must say, I'm super excited with these beginning phonics activities and printables.So much, that I couldn't resist sharing with you!   Beginning Phonics Activities and Printables Fall Word Work:  Free CVC Word Building Printable...
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North America Unit with Free Printables

It's time to study our home continent!  Take a look at this North America Unit with free printables!  There are activities in almost every subject area and then some to help the kiddos learn all they can. Whether you're looking for syllable counting country cards or our fifty North American animal cards, they're all here! North America Unit with Free PrintablesNorth America Country & Flag Match Up The kiddos will match up country cards with flag cards.  Bulldozer really...
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