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To Princess: The Day I Became Your Mother

Princess was adopted through foster care.  Parts of her story have been purposely left out to protect her and others involved.

My dear Princess... I will never forget the day I became your mother.  

Mommy and Daddy had been waiting for you to come to our family for such a long time.  

We had prayed and prayed.  Mommy had cried often, worrying about you and what your life might be like before you came to us.

It was the middle of February.  

We received the call before lunch, asking if we'd be willing to take in a sick six month old baby girl. 

After obtaining a few more details, I called Daddy at work, asking if he thought it would be okay.  

With his permission, I called back the worker and said yes, then asked more questions about you.

To Princess: The Day I Became Your Mother

To Princess: The Day I Became Your Mother

You were brought to our home in a pocka dotted car seat, wrapped in what we would learn to be your favorite pink blanket.  

A Winnie the Pooh Bear was by your side.  

Underneath your blanket, you were wearing a white snow suit.  

When I removed that, I found you dressed in a pink long sleeve shirt with bib overalls patterned with pink, brown, and green flowers.  

You also came with a diaper bag that contained a few diapers, wipes, and a bottle.

Dinomite and Bulldozer fell in love with you from the start. 

After the worker left, I pulled you out of your car seat to let you play on the floor.  

It did not take long before you were giving everyone smiles.  

Bulldozer seemed to be your favorite person.

Mommy gave you your first bottle, which you took very well.  

You then continued to play on the floor with Dinomite and Bulldozer.  

I made several phone calls asking friends for girl's baby clothes, setting up doctor's appointments, etc. 

It was a very busy afternoon.

Daddy came home after work.  I met him at the entrance to the living room.  

He took one look at you, one look at me, and then looked at the picture of Mommy as a baby on the wall.  

There was no way to hid the shock on his face as he realized we looked so much alike.  

From that moment, Daddy knew that you were going to be our Princess forever.

Mommy prepared dinner, while Daddy fed you another bottle.  

You fell asleep in his arms while he rocked you and slept while we ate.  

After dinner, Mommy left to go shopping.  

We only had two outfits for you, which were both pajamas.  (The outfit that you came in was two sizes too small.)  

There were only two diapers left in the diaper bag.  

We had no formula, etc.  

Needless to say, Mommy had a busy night. 

Mommy's friend Kathy, did go out and buy you your first two outfits, which she had dropped by earlier in the afternoon.

Princess with Daddy her first night at our home

I will never forget how smiley you were, right from the start.  

Even the first day, you did nothing but smile.  

You were absolutely beautiful in every way.  

Again, Mommy and Daddy (and everyone else who met you), couldn't get over how much you looked like Mommy.  

The biggest difficulty we had with you was finding clothes that fit you.  You were so skinny, yet so tall.

Princess Day 1 in our Home
Princess, her 1st night with us.
Surprisingly, you slept all through the night, the very first night you were with us.  

This was the only night though.  

You loved to sleep with a blanket over your head, which scared Mommy so much.  

Eventually Mommy had to cut it up into pieces so I wouldn't worry so much.

We know without a shadow of a doubt you were meant to be part of our family from the very first day you arrived.  

I know that I was meant to be your Mommy.  

Since I couldn't give birth to you, like your brothers, Heavenly Father sent you a different way.  

I am so thankful to be your Mommy and for you to be my Princess forever!

What Is Reactive Attachment Disorder A Birth Mother's Love To Sunshine: The Day I Became YOur MotherMorning and Bedtime Routine Visuals and Supports Chores and Practical Life Visuals and Supports Outdoor Visuals and Supports Meal and Snack Time Visual Schedules and Supports for Kids


  1. Oh goodness. Such a beautiful post and had me in tears. Thanks so much for sharing with the Monday #pinitparty

    1. Your welcome! Princess' story is definitely a special one.

  2. What a beautiful beautiful post! And how amazing that she looks so much like you!

    Thank you for linking up with the #pinitparty

  3. aawwwwwwww I love the story ..
    and the 2 of you

  4. A beautiful story beautifully told. I love all of the detail of fabrics and patterns and glances and smiles; it builds the picture so clearly. Thank you for sharing

  5. Love this! My son wants an older brother. We are praying for him :)
