Free Printables


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When I decided to move forward with my blog, reaching out to as many readers as possible, providing free printables, unit study plans, and so much more, I never anticipated just how many people I would reach, or how my work would effect others.  I have been in complete awe at this process.

So many people have been willing to help me make my blog the best it can be.  Big thank yous go to Cassie at, Deb at Living Montessori Now, and Sharla at The Chaos and the Clutter.  I also need to thank my dear friend Aby Runyan for the beautiful logo designs she created for me.  I could not have accomplished all I have done, without the help and support of my wonderful husband.  There isn't a day that goes by that he's not researching a topic for me, creating a printable, or cheering me on as I'm completely overwhelmed by how quickly the blog is growing.

This past week even more new and exciting things are taking place at Every Star Is Different.  I'm partnering up with Anastasia at Montessori Nature to bring you more ideas, printables, and the Kids Learning Printables Linky Party!  Anastasia is an absolutely amazing person to work with and has already helped me in so many ways.  Her blog is fabulous for those looking for professional Montessori printables.  Each day I work with Anastasia I feel so honored and blessed.  I can feel her special spirit radiate through our conversations.  I know that working together will inspire me to be the best blogger I can be for my readers.  This partnership is one of those things I believe was just meant to be.

So with no further delay, I am ecstatic to introduce you to my new partner in crime, the amazing and inspiring Anastasia!  If you have not checked out her blog and facebook page, please do!

I am a stay at home mum who leads a natural life style, and practices natural parenting.  I was very blessed to be born in strong, cultural and diverse country - Russia. When I turned 10, my parents enrolled me into Space school located in the midst of a Siberian forest. There along with three other classmates (there were only four of us), I grew to appreciate nature it all it's beauty. I graduated from school at the age of  15 and moved to St Petersburg study at a university. I hold bachelor's degree in business and graduate diploma in Early Childhood education.
I aim to make every day of my life faith driven and God centered. Being a part of Christian church gave me the opportunity to work with children, minister to orphans, hang out with incredibly talented people, which led to learning the art of pantomime and drama. My mother passed on her great passion for travelling and foreign languages to me. I speak Russian, English, Spanish and Polish.  In my early twenties I practically lived out of my suitcase travelling the world doing missionary work, teaching pantomime and performing on streets, in schools and prisons with purpose of reaching out to people with a message of hope. 
I have been teaching in the Montessori Education System since I  was 18 years old. I had the  privilege of being mentored  from one of the most dedicated and knowledgeable Montessori teachers.  My director in Russia was trained by a lady who worked directly with Maria Montessori which imparted  Montessori philosophy to both her and myself.  After that I worked in three other Montessori classrooms in other countries.
For the last few years I have been spreading my passion for Montessori philosophy, by teaching in a Montessori preschool classroom. 
Now I enjoy being at home and sharing my teaching and parenting experience on my Montessori Nature Blog.

1 comment:

  1. Awe!!! Thank you, dear Renae for your kind words! Pleasure is all mine!
