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Winter Unit with Free Printables

Welcome to our Montessori-inspired Winter Unit with Free Printables!

You will find so many fabulous winter themed activities and printables that cover so many subject areas.

Many activities include a sensory component as well as incorporate fine motor skill development.

The study of Antarctica is also included in our winter unit with a specific focus on transportation and animals.

Winter Unit with Free Printables

Winter Unit with Free Printables

Here's what's on our shelves!

Salt Tray with Letter Cards

Salt Tray with Letter Cards

It was not my intent to have these back on our work shelves, but I have come to accept, this activity is crucial for Adam in retaining his writing abilities from day to day and week to week.  

If he writes his letters in the salt tray first, and then writes them on paper, they are 150% better than if he hadn't used the salt tray.  I'm guessing this has a lot to do with his lack of motor planning skills.  

To make the activity just a tiny bit different, I switched out our glittery fall/Christmas salt for pure white salt to look like snow.  

The only thing I lack is more white glitter.  (The kiddos definitely noticed and requested white glitter.)

Source: Once again, the letters came from Homeschool Creations.  I'm starting to wonder if I might be Jolanthe's biggest promoter of these cards. Lol.

Spelling Words in the "Snow"

Spelling Words in the "Snow"

To practice spelling words this week, I decided to pull out the shaving cream.  

I've never used it before with the kiddos.  

I'm not a fan of the smell, especially when it's everywhere.  However, I wanted to see how they handled the smell, as a sensory experiment.  

I told my husband to pick up the cheapest bottle he could find.  The smell isn't that bad.

In the past I've used whipped topping, so it was edible.  The only problem with the whipped topping is that is starts to dissolve after a while.  Still, it's a favorite.

This activity was a HUGE hit. 

I was unable to take pictures of the kiddos using the whipped topping, because well.... They were covered in it, and therefore I was too.

Source: I created the printable for this activity. The Snow Unit Spelling Words Printable is a Subscriber's Only Freebie. For your free copy, be sure to follow the directions at the bottom of this post.

Snowflake Addition

Snowflake Addition

I couldn't resists a snowflake addition activity.  Looking back at what the kiddos were doing last year, I'm truly amazed at how far they've come.  (Last year they were just counting snowflakes to 10.)  

The kiddos will use snowflakes as counters and the glass beads as markers for each card.  

Dinomite is finally starting to memorize some of his facts.  

Bulldozer is finally starting to understand addition and have the concentration to complete a problem with few prompts.  Hooray!

Source: I created the printable for this activity. The Snow Printable Pack is a Subscriber's Only Freebie. For your free copy, be sure to follow the directions at the bottom of this post.

Snowball Subtraction

Snowball Subtraction

It has been a long time since a subtraction activity has been on our shelves. So long that Dinomite even said he wasn't sure if he remembered how to do it.  Thankfully he surprised himself and did fantastic, as did Princess and Bulldozer.  

Bulldozer's awesomeness was a complete and very pleasant surprise. 

He seems to enjoy subtraction more than addition.  

And since there are snowballs involved...  He said this was his favorite activity on the shelves this week.  WOW!

Source: I created the printable for this activity. The Snow Printable Pack is a Subscriber's Only Freebie. For your free copy, be sure to follow the directions at the bottom of this post.

Telling Time with Winter Activities

Telling Time with Winter Activities

The kiddos' least favorite activities (except for Bulldozer's new found love of subtraction), are addition, subtraction, telling time, and money.  

I figured this week, if I only put those four activities on our math shelves, they would be forced to practice.  So far it's working.

And the pictures on the cards... Little did I know how much pictures liven up an activity. 

All three kiddos went nuts over the different winter activities and ended up playing a little game with their schedule using the clocks. It was super cute.

Source: I created the printable for this activity. The Snow Printable Pack is a Subscriber's Only Freebie. For your free copy, be sure to follow the directions at the bottom of this post.

Paying for Winter Necessities

Paying for Winter Necessities

If we're going to participate in winter activities, then we need the proper attire and supplies!  Mind you none of these prices mean a thing, and are definitely inaccurate.  

The kiddos will match up coin cards with money amount cards.  

Dinomite seemed to struggle the most with this activity today, than any other activity on the shelves.

Source: I created the printable for this activity. The Snow Printable Pack is a Subscriber's Only Freebie. For your free copy, be sure to follow the directions at the bottom of this post.

What's the Temperature?

What's the Temperature?

Time to introduce temperature!  

Dinomite seemed to understand how to read the thermometers quite well.  

Princess struggled with the 5s, but did great with the 10s.  

Bulldozer didn't really seem to understand at all. We'll see if he chooses the activity again.  I will say, he did understand the difference between warm and cold.  That's a start.

Source: I found these free cards at Making Learning Fun.  They recommend using clothespins to choose your answer.  I didn't have a chance to laminate our cards, so I just used counters instead.

Transportation in Antarctica

Transportation in Antarctica

Bulldozer has an A-Z book of transportation vehicles that he reads regularly (almost every night).  

A few of the vehicles in the book are used in Antarctica.  They are pretty cool.  

His book was my inspiration for this activity. 

Dinomite and Bulldozer were both VERY excited to see this on the shelves this week.  It's been a definite conversation topic.

Transportation in Antarctica Cards

Source: I created the cards for this activity. An updated version of these cards are included in our Antarctica Unit Printable Pack.

Antarctica Invitation to Play

Antarctica Invitation to Play

The kiddos really love play dough invitations to play.  Bulldozer alone can spend hours at the table with them.  

Originally I had wanted to make an Antarctica sensory bin.  In the end this just seemed easier and more inviting.  

Dinomite chose this activity quite quickly and went to work.  

At the mention of water, I brought out the blue play dough I had made last month.  

I loved his creation.  

It included the water (blue), land (white), a shoreline, icebergs, glaciers, towers, etc.  He did great. 

Bulldozer was not far behind him.

Animals of Antarctica

Animals of Antarctica

Dinomite went NUTS when he saw this activity. He was so excited.  

My husband said he learned more about Antarctica looking through these cards for the first time, than he had ever known before.  I was quite pleased.  

There are almost 50 cards in the collection.  

I've tried to specify the different types of seals, penguins, and whales for further study midst all the other animals.  

I only included the types of animals we've learned about this year.  

To make sure the cards were accurate I compared three different reliable sources for the information.

Animals of Antarctica Cards

Initially I had thought about the kiddos sorting cards by specific group, but instead, I wanted to give them a chance just to learn and explore, so I told them if they selected this activity off of the shelf, they could just look through the cards and/or sort them anyway they wanted.  

This definitely led to some squeals of delight.

Source:  I created this printable. The Animals of Antarctica is a Subscriber's Only Freebie. For your free copy, be sure to follow the directions at the bottom of this post.

Sorting Types of Precipitation

Sorting Types of Precipitation

I saw all of these really cute activities and crafts regarding types of precipitation, but for my kiddos, it's all in the visuals.  The kiddos will sort the picture cards by type of precipitation.

Sorting Types of Precipitation

Source: I created this printable. The Types of Precipitation Printable is a Subscriber's Only Freebie. For your free copy, be sure to follow the directions at the bottom of this post.

Conifer Tree Match Up

Conifer Tree Match Up

I had planned to do this earlier in the month, but never found the right place to fit it in.  

Going along with our theme of winter, Christmas, etc., I thought it would be fun and beneficial to learn the different types of conifer trees.  

The kiddos will match up the pictures in the container with the pictures on the card.  

Dinomite did a great job today with this, as he was able to read 99% of the names all by himself. 

Bulldozer really liked examining the branches of each tree.

Source: I created the printable for this activity. The Conifer Tree Match Up is a Subscriber's Only Freebie. For your free copy, be sure to follow the directions at the bottom of this post.

Water Cycle Model

Water Cycle Model

The kiddos aren't really into displays of cycles etc., so I tried to find a way to explain the water cycle to them in the most hands on way possible.  

The first container full of dry contain balls represented evaporation, in that the cotton balls were dry. 

When a cotton ball was placed into the second container (filled with water), it represented condensation.  

The cotton ball was now a cloud.  

Using the tongs, the cotton ball would be removed from the second container, and squeezed over the third container.  This represented precipitation.  

From here the cycle would start all over again.  I loved adding the tongs to this activity, making it not only a science activity, but a practical life activity as well.

Ice Experiments

Ice Experiments

It's only natural to include an ice experiment when talking about winter, at least where we live.  

This activity is very flexible depending on what you have on hand.  

The kiddos are given two containers.  

They choose two different ways to create an environment for their ice cubes.  

Our first environments today were cold water, and air. 

Our second set of environments was hot water and cold water.  

I'm hoping tomorrow, we'll be able to have an option of snow as an environment. If not, I have some extra ice cubes in the freezer we can use to create an ice environment.

No matter what two environments you have, the experiment goes the same.  

You place an ice cube in each environment and determine which environment melts the ice cube the fastest.  

I make sure to have the kiddos share their guesses before we put the ice cubes in each container.  

So far this activity has been really fun.  They're learning so much.

Building a Snowman

Building a Snowman

This was one of Sunshine's gifts for Christmas, I couldn't resist adding it to our shelves. This is no longer available for purchase.

Dressing for Winter

Dressing for Winter

These wooden magnetic dolls were also one of Sunshine's gifts for Christmas.  The kiddos love it and this week we will practice dressing dolls for winter.

Don't Break the Ice

Don't Break the Ice

Don't Break the Ice is such a great fine motor activity for little hands, from holding the hammer correctly, to "gently" knocking out cubes, to putting the cubes back together to play again.  

Everyone had fun with it today.

Putting on a Coat

Putting on a Coat

Dinomite and Princess are great at getting their coats on but can't zip them. 

Bulldozer is still unable to get his coat on.  

A little practice is in order.  

It's the perfect week to add the activity to the shelves.

Don't forget your free printables!

Directions on How to Obtain Subscriber Only Freebies

1. Click on the Subscriber's link at the bottom of this post.

2. Subscribe to our free newsletter.

3. Open the thank you message you receive after subscribing. (Be sure to check your spam folder, as sometimes it ends up there.)

4. Click the confirmation link in the thank you message.

5. Once the confirmation is complete, you will receive another message with the Subscriber Only Freebies Link and Password.

6. Click on link and type in password. (The password is cap sensitive.)

7. Find the printable pack you are looking for listed in alphabetical order, click on it, and viola!

We hope you enjoy your free printable.

Note: If you are already a newsletter subscriber, open your most recent newsletter. At the bottom you will find a link to the Subscriber Only Freebies page, along with the password in case you forgot it.

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Christmas Week 3: Little Drummer Boy w/ Free Printables

This post may contain affiliate links.

We have thoroughly enjoyed listening to Christmas music throughout the season this year.  I'm super proud of Dinomite, as he's starting to show interest in Christmas songs outside of "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer," Santa Claus is Comin' to Town", and "Jingle Bells."  When Dinomite starts a trend, others follow.  As a lover of music and professional musician, I jumped on the chance to introduce him to as many different styles and sounds of Christmas as I could.  He's fallen in love with the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.  We've listened to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, The Piano Guys, and orchestras.  Not only have we listened to all of these different types of music, but we've watched them on videos as well.  All three kiddos have thoroughly enjoyed all of the different types of music and sounds they make.

The last type of vocal performance I introduced them to was a capella, using the group Pentatonix.  Their first introduction to Pentatonix was their music video:  Little Drummer Boy.

I had no idea how much my kiddos would LOVE this video and type of music.  Bulldozer has asked to watch this music video at least three times a day, everyday.  The kiddos have chosen parts, and acted out the song together in the living room.  Dinomite is trying to make different percussion sounds with his mouth.  Princess idolizes the female vocalist.  Bulldozer is singing along, which is rare, because he struggles so much following voices.

Needless to say, this piece of music has been in my home and head nonstop and so The Little Drummer Boy Unit was born.  Enjoy!

Little Drummer Boy Nomenclature Cards
 The kiddos will match up word and picture cards with individual word and picture cards.
Source: I created this printable. The Little Drummer Boy Printable Pack is a Subscriber's Only Freebie. For your free copy, be sure to follow direections at the bottom of this post.

Little Drummer Boy Mix Up
 The kiddos will match up scrambled words to their spelling words of the week.
I was super impressed with the kiddos when I introduced this activity. I honestly had no idea how it would go.   Bulldozer did AMAZING and surprised me by completing the activity faster than anyone else.

Source: I created this printable. The Little Drummer Boy Printable Pack is a Subscriber's Only Freebie. For your free copy, be sure to follow direections at the bottom of this post.

Little Drummer Boy Consonant Blends
 The kiddos will match up words with their consonant blend beginnings and/or endings.  This is a nice review for Dinomite and a great introduction for Princess. Bulldozer didn't really understand it.
Source: I created this printable. The Little Drummer Boy Printable Pack is a Subscriber's Only Freebie. For your free copy, be sure to follow direections at the bottom of this post.

Little Drummer Boy Rhyming Words
 The kiddos will group words that rhyme, using words from the song, "Little Drummer Boy."  I've included a control card so they can check their work.  Princess is all about rhyming right now.
Source: I created this printable. The Little Drummer Boy Printable Pack is a Subscriber's Only Freebie. For your free copy, be sure to follow direections at the bottom of this post.

"Hay" Number Creations
The kiddos will create numbers 0-9, shown on the cards, using gold pipe cleaners or pieces of "hay" as we're calling them this week.  I love the fine motor aspect of this activity.  Dinomite and Princess really liked doing this for the first time.  Bulldozer really struggled.

Source:  The number cards shown in this activity can be find at Homeschool Creations.

Little Drummer Boy Addition
 I'm super excited about this activity.  The kiddos will add up note values, using drum counters if needed, and marking the answers with glass beads.  Six of the cards are simple, using only quarter notes.  A second set of six cards is provided that include half notes and whole notes.  A control card has been added to the activity, giving note values, in case they are needed.  Bulldozer is quite a fan of the drums, so I'm hoping he'll enjoy the activity. He surprised me last week selecting the addition activity off our shelves several times.  It appears he's finally able to add using counters.  Hooray!
Source: I created this printable. The Little Drummer Boy Printable Pack is a Subscriber's Only Freebie. For your free copy, be sure to follow direections at the bottom of this post.

Camel Tanogram
A set of tanograms was given to me a while back.  The set included a camel, which I thought would work for this week's activities.  It's always fun to have something different on the shelves.

Baby Growth Sequence
The kiddos will sequence the cards to show the growth of a baby in the womb.  We've talked a lot about Mary being Jesus' Mommy, how she was pregnant with Him, and how she gave birth to Him.  I found this activity quite fitting.

Source:  My apologies.  I neglected to write down the source, when I discovered these cards, and have been unable to find them since.  If anyone does know the source of these wonderful cards, pleas feel free to share.
Camel Body Parts
The kiddos will match up body parts to explanations of their uses, while identifying parts on the picture.  I printed a second copy of the body parts and explanations as a control.

Source:  I created the printable for this activity.  The Camel Printable is a Subscriber's Only Freebie. For your free copy, be sure to follow the directions at the bottom of this post.

A New Star
This is an activity from our Astronomy Unit.  The kiddos will sequence the life cycle of a star, identifying each stage in the cycle.  Bulldozer really likes this activity.

Source:  I found this idea at Counting Coconuts. I was not able to download her document, so I created my own, exactly like what I saw. I admit, her's looks better.  For your free printable, go check out Counting Coconuts.

The Travels & Events of Jesus
I wanted to somehow emphasize just how far Joseph and Mary traveled during the course of her pregnancy and also during the beginning phases of Jesus' life.  The only thing I have not included in this activity is their flight to Egypt.  The kiddos will match up the cards with the two locations on the map. Once they are comfortable with that, they will sequence the events on the cards.

Source:  The map used in this activity can be found at  All information written on the cards can be found below the map.  The images used for the cards can be found at in the Gospel Art Media Library.

Visual Arts:
How to Draw a Star
This is an activity from our Memorial Day Unit.  The kiddos will practice drawing a star.

Source: These cards were created by using diagrams I found on wikihow.

Making Music with Percussion Instruments
 The kiddos will have fun playing different percussion instruments.

Physical Education:
We continue to exercise as a family.

Practical Life/Sensorial:
Swaddling Baby Jesus
Last week the kiddos did really well with folding napkins, so I wanted to continue our folding ventures this week, with something a little bigger.  There's nothing more fun than the practice of swaddling baby Jesus right?

A Star Design
 The kiddos will match up shapes to create the design on the card.  When they're finished they're free to come up with their own designs and patterns by removing the card.  Princess really LOVES this activity.

No Room at the Inns
 None of the kiddos have worked on buckling at home yet, so I decided to pull this out for the first time this week. It works perfect as they practice going from door to door opening and closing it as Joseph and Mary would have done in Bethlehem that special night looking for a place to stay.

Nativity Arrangement
(Picture does not show Mary.)
No Little Drummer Boy Unit would be complete without some type of Nativity activity.  This is our set.  We've had it since Dinomite was a baby.  All of the kiddo still love to play with it.

That's our week!  We'll be back with another unit after Christmas.  For those who would like a free copy of my Little Drummer Boy Printable Pack, click below. Enjoy!

Directions on How to Obtain Subscriber Only Freebies

1. Click on the Subscriber's link at the bottom of this post.

2. Subscribe to our free newsletter.

3. Open the thank you message you receive after subscribing. (Be sure to check your spam folder, as sometimes it ends up there.)

4. Click the confirmation link in the thank you message.

5. Once the confirmation is complete, you will receive another message with the Subscriber Only Freebies Link and Password.

6. Click on link and type in password. (The password is cap sensitive.)

7. Find the printable pack you are looking for listed in alphabetical order, click on it, and viola!

We hope you enjoy your free printable.

Note: If you are already a newsletter subscriber, open your most recent newsletter. At the bottom you will find a link to the Subscriber Only Freebies page, along with the password in case you forgot it.

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