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Montessori-inspired Amphibian Activities with Free Printables

We have been having a delightful time studying amphibians!  

I had no idea how much the kiddos would enjoy learning about them. The compilation of these Montessori-inspired Amphibian Activities with FREE Printables is perfect!

Each one focuses on a different skill the kiddos are working on, and/or teaches about a different aspects of amphibians, especially frogs.

Montessori-inspired Amphibian Activities with FREE Printables

Montessori-inspired Amphibian Activities with FREE Printables

Here are all the activities and printables the kids have been having fun with while studying about amphibians!

Parts of a Frog and Description Match Up

Parts of a Frog and Description Match Up

It's always fun to learn about the parts of a frog, but even more fun when you learn interesting facts that go along with each body part.  The kiddos loved learning the facts on each of the description cards far more than I anticipated.

Source:  The FREE printables for this activity can be found at Montessori Print Shop.

Amphibians Around the World Continent Match Up

Amphibians Around the World Continent Match Up

It's only natural that we could continue our animal studies with amphibian around the world cards.  They are such a hit on our shelves.  There are some pretty crazy looking frogs out there!  

The continent puzzle pieces used for this activity are part of my Montessori Puzzle Map of World.

Source: I created the printable for this activity as part of the Amphibian Unit Culture and Science Printable Pack 1. This is a Subscriber's Only Freebie. For your free copy, follow the directions at the bottom of this post.

Amphibian Who Am I? Cards

Amphibian Who Am I? Cards

My kiddos are loving our "Who Am I" activities as we've gone through the different types of animals this year.  This amphibian set gave them a little bit of a challenge, but not for long.  Bulldozer can read every word on these cards!

Source: I created the printable for this activity. Amphibian Unit Culture and Science Printable Pack 1. This is a Subscriber's Only Freebie. For your free copy, follow the directions at the bottom of this post.

Parts of a Frog Book

Parts of a Frog Book

It's one thing to read descriptions of parts of a frog, but another to color them in and write the words.  I chose this activity because all of the kiddos are competent writers now and I love finding ways to add writing to our activities.

Source:  The FREE printable for this activity can be found at Montessori Print Shop.

Parts of a Frog Puzzle

Parts of a Frog Puzzle

One would think the kiddos would have been sick of parts of a frog activities, but truth be told they weren't!  There is just something about this Montessori Wooden Frog Puzzle that draws them in.  

Have I mentioned how in love with Montessori puzzles I've become this year?  They are such great teaching tools!

Source:  The FREE printable for this activity can be found at Montessori Print Shop.

Life Cycle of a Frog

Life Cycle of a Frog

I looked everywhere to find a free life cycle of a frog printable with descriptions to go along with my Safari Ltd Life Cycle of a Frog figures but had no luck.  So, we had to create one.  My kiddos loved this activity. I can't figure out if they enjoyed the facts on the cards or the tadpole figures best.

Source: I created the printable for this activity. Amphibian Unit Culture and Science Printable Pack 1. This is a Subscriber's Only Freebie. For your free copy, click on the link below.

I never thought I'd be sad that our amphibian unit has ended, but I am.  We had such a great time!

Don't forget to grab your free printables!

Directions on How to Obtain Subscriber Only Freebies

1. Click on the Subscriber's link at the bottom of this post.

2. Subscribe to our free newsletter.

3. Open the thank you message you receive in your e-mail, after subscribing. (Be sure to check your spam folder, as sometimes it ends up there.)

4. Click the confirmation link in the thank you message.

5. Once the confirmation is complete, you will receive another e-mail message with the Subscriber Only Freebies.

6. Click on the link.

7. Select the Minimalism, Montessori, or Mental Health Printables Library.

8. Find the printable pack you are looking for listed in alphabetical order, click on it, and voila!

We hope you enjoy your free printable.

Note: If you are already a newsletter subscriber, open your most recent newsletter. At the bottom you will find a link to the Free Printables Library.

Click HERE To Subscribe to our FREE Newsletter

If you're looking for more frog themed activities, be sure to check out these other resources!

Frog Activities and FREE Printables for Kids

Perfect Montessori May Activities from Natural Beach Living

Free Pond Pack from 3Dinosaurs

If you enjoyed this post, you may also enjoy the resources below!

  Montessori-inspired Reptile Activities for Preschoolers with FREE Printables Montessori-inspired Zoo Scavenger HuntsSea Turtle Activities for Tots Reptiles and Amphibians Unit Children's Books About Frogs and Toads Montessori-inspired Reptiles Printable Pack Bundle Montessori-inspired Amphibians Printable Pack Bundle Montessori-inspired Intro to Vertebrates Printable Pack


  1. I love your Amphibians Around the World Continent Match Up idea!! Thank you for sharing!

  2. I also love the amphibians around the world match up! I'll be coming back for the printables next time we do a frog unit. :)

  3. Wonderful Activities!!! We love the Montessori Puzzles here too.

  4. Frog on a log! My daughter loves that book. That frog puzzle is so cool. What a great way to encourage learning.

    Thanks for stopping by #everythingkids this week! Don't forget to come back tonight and link up a this weeks party!

  5. So many great activities to encourage learning about frogs. I have pinned this to the #ToddlerFunFriday board.

  6. These freebies are AMAZING! Thank you so much!!
