This unit is an introduction to the study of the Earth. It includes a debut of multiple topics in the areas of biology, science and geography.
Language studies are focused on the Montessori Pink Series, with extensions to incorporate the study of cursive, vocabulary, and grammar simultaneously.
In math we are beginning our study of operations. This unit focuses on addition problem solving.
Practical life and sensorial skills have been incorporated into activities to maximize and aid in the learning process.
Here's what's on our shelves!
Earth Unit with Free Printables
Pink Series: Short "o" with Moveable Alphabet
The kiddos used the Montessori Cursive Moveable Alphabet to spell the names of objects provided in a tray on our learning shelves.
Pink Series: My Book of Short "o" Sound Words
Using the Montessori Phonetic Reading Blocks provided as a control, the kiddos wrote the words that match the picture on each page of their books. A control book was provided for vocabulary purposes.
Source: I created the printable for this activity as part of my Montessori Pink Series Printable Pack 4. For your free copy, click on the link located at the bottom of this post.
Pink Series: Cursive Short "o" Words & Picture Match Up
Pictures were matched up to word cards, hand written in cursive. As a control each word was written in print on the back. This activity was proven to be excellent when working to increase vocabulary.
Source: I
created the printable for this activity. Montessori Pink Series Printable Pack 4 is a Subscriber’s Only Freebie.
For your free copy, follow the directions at the bottom of this post.
Pink Series: Short "o" Picture and Phrase Match Up with Grammar Symbols
Kiddos matched up pictures to phrases, using the control provided. Once the matches were put together, the kiddos analyzed each phrase, determining whether it was an article, noun, verb phrase, or an article, adjective, noun phrase.
Lastly, they placed the proper Montessori Basic Wooden Grammar Symbols above each phrase. The kiddos checked their work with the grammar controls provided.
Source: I created the printable for this activity. Montessori Pink Series Printable Pack 4 is a Subscriber’s Only Freebie. For your free copy, follow the directions at the bottom of this post.
Word Problem Key Word Sort
It had become apparent that there was some confusion about key words in word problems among the kiddos. What better way to work on this than to have a key word sort!
The kiddos placed the correct key words under the addition and subtraction signs. I drew a plus or minus sign on the back of each key word card as a control.
The kiddos loved this activity and have jumped at the chance to find pages in their workbook to apply their newly learned skills.
Source: I
created the printable for this activity. Earth Unit Addition Printable Pack 1 is a Subscriber’s Only Freebie.
For your free copy, follow the directions at the bottom of this post.
Montessori Static Addition Using Stamp Game
The kiddos have been showing interest in learning how to add bigger numbers. This was exciting for me because it was next on our syllabus.
Word problems were created about volcanoes and earthquakes to go along with our theme. Key words were boldfaced.
The kiddos matched the word problems to the addition problem cards and then used the stamp game to find the answers to each problem.
I laminated all of the cards and provided erasable crayons in the proper colors of green, red, and blue to write answers. The answer to the math problems were written on the back of word problem cards as a control.
Source: I created the printable for this activity. Earth Unit Addition Printable Pack 1 is a Subscriber’s Only Freebie. For your free copy, follow the directions at the bottom of this post.
I was beyond thrilled when Bulldozer asked to use the stamp game to complete tasks in is workbook!
I love how focused he is in this photo.
Montessori Addition with Carry Over
After learning how to answer addition problems using numbers up to 9,999 the kiddos were introduced to the concept of carry over using gold bead material
Princess thoroughly enjoyed this work. Dinomite eventually came around to it. The way the activity worked out best was naming Dinomite the "banker" as Princess did each problem.
I just loved watching the excitement on Princess' face as she learned this new skill.
Source: I created the printable for this activity as part of my Earth Unit Addition Printable Pack 1. For your free copy, click on the link at the bottom of the post.
Layers of the Earth with Play Dough
The kiddos enjoyed learning about the layers of the earth through books, but when I laid out an activity where they would need to create the layers of the earth themselves, they were beyond thrilled.
Some thoroughly enjoyed the process, following directions, and putting their artistic talent to use. One decided that she knew better than the rest of us and needed to do things her way.
She learned quickly upon cutting her earth model in half, that she probably should have followed directions.
Source: The idea and directions for this activity came from The Chaos and the Clutter.
Land Form & Water Form Match Up
We've done quite a few land and water form activities in the past, but it's always nice to review, especially with fabulous new printables!
The kiddos used this activity as a memory game but it's created to be used as a matching activity or as nomenclature cards.
Source: I created the printable for this activity. Earth Unit Geography Printable Pack 1 is a Subscriber’s Only Freebie. For your free copy, follow the directions at the bottom of this post.
Igneous, Sedimentary, & Metamorphic Rocks
I had high hopes for this activity, and the kiddos definitely enjoyed it, but it did not go as I had planned. The Toysmith Rock Science Kit
was ordered to give the kiddos a basic hands on introduction to igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks.
My kiddos loved this kit, especially since it came with a pamphlet full of information and testing ideas to be used on each rock.
Since the kiddos had expressed a desire, I put together a mini testing kit. Missing from this photo was the glass half full of water, where the kiddos tested each rock to see if it would float.
A list of rocks and their reactions to each test was printed on the back of the pamphlet. Sadly, no rock floated, no rock was magnetic, even when using our largest and biggest magnet (not shown in pictures). No rock bubbled when vinegar was used to test acidity, per recommendation of the pamphlet.
The kiddos still enjoyed the process of the testing, but only the streak test yielded any results.
Don't get me wrong, this set is perfect for identification purposes, but when it comes to doing more than that, I wish I had splurged on a bigger set with more rocks.
Layers of the Atmosphere
Over the past few months we've learned a lot about the atmosphere, but I wanted to be sure the kiddos could visually understand why there are layers, and what they are like in comparison to each other.
The kiddos poured the contents of each measuring cup into the tall vase provided. (It's kept in a plastic container to prevent from rolling around while the tray is moved.)
No matter what order the contents are poured, they will separate because of density, and represent each of the layers of the atmosphere. I love that this activity has practical life and sensorial components.
Source: Details and directions about this activity can be found at Line Upon Line Learning.
I created the printable for this activity. Earth Unit Geography Printable Pack 1 is a Subscriber’s Only Freebie. For your free copy, follow the directions at the bottom of this post.
A Rain Cloud in a Jar
As an introduction to one of the many parts of the hydrosphere, we learned about clouds and rain this week through a hands on experiment. Bulldozer was thrilled as the experiment combined two of his favorite practical life activities.
I'll admit the experiment was pretty cool to watch and definitely provided some visual stimulation Bulldozer always seems in need of.
Source: Details about the experiment and directions can be found at Coffee Cups and Crayons.
Classification of Living Things
I was a little worried about teaching the content within this activity, and was relieved when I stumbled upon simple and beautiful aids with examples and helpful hints when presenting everything.
The best part about all of this was that the kiddos really loved the activity, even though it included using scissors and glue. I love combining practical life skills and biology!
Kiddos were asked to cut out the names of each part of the classification system of living things and glue them on to the strip of paper provided, just like the control above. To ensure that the kiddos understood the biology concepts behind this activity, I provided the example of the bird etc.
Source: The printables for this activity were created by Montessori Print Shop and can be purchased for a small fee. I assure you, your purchased is well worth it!
Kingdoms of Living Things
To further enhance the study of the classification of living things, we studied the break down of the kingdoms of living things.
Bulldozer thoroughly enjoyed this activity, as did the other kiddos. By the end of the unit study, all of the kiddos could identify each kingdom from memory.
Source: The free printable for this activity was found at Elementary Observations but is no longer available.
I created the picture printable for the kingdom cards. Earth Unit Biology Printable Pack 1 is a Subscriber’s Only Freebie. For your free copy, follow the directions at the bottom of this post.
Characteristics of Vertebrates
This activity has been quite popular with Dinomite and Bulldozer. We've had many sets of animal cards over the years, but we've never had a set of cards that really breaks down the characteristics of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians in words AND pictures.
I bring you an activity that does just that! The cards are colored coded as a control.
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(Dinomite was wearing sunglasses because of an infection in his eye.) |
(You may notice cards in the printable are not the same color as cards in our set. I altered the colors to make it more Montessori-inspired, but did not print out a second set for our classroom.)
My favorite moment with these cards was when Bulldozer realized he's a mammal. He went through the characteristic examining himself and his mother, nodding with a little shock,
"Why yes!" The moment was priceless.
Source: I created the printable for this activity. Earth Unit Biology Printable Pack 1 is a Subscriber’s Only Freebie. For your free copy, follow the directions at the bottom of this post.
Sorting Invertebrates
Welcome to our first set of ALL invertebrate sorting cards! It's important to learn about vertebrates, but equally important to learn about those without a backbone.
The set includes poriferas, nematodes, platyhelminthes, annelids, cnidarians, arthropods, mollusks, and echinoderms,
These cards are created to be used as nomenclature cards, but can also be used for matching, sorting, and memory games. This time around we're sorting. I love it when I can teach Dinomite something new about animals!
Source: I created the printable for this activity. Earth Unit Biology Printable Pack 1 is a Subscriber’s Only Freebie. For your free copy, follow the directions at the bottom of this post.
Directions on How to Obtain Subscriber Only Freebies
1. Click on the Subscriber's link at the bottom of this post.
2. Subscribe to our free newsletter.
3. Open the thank you message you receive in your e-mail, after subscribing. (Be sure to check your spam folder, as sometimes it ends up there.)
4. Click the confirmation link in the thank you message.
5. Once the confirmation is complete, you will receive another e-mail message with the Subscriber Only Freebies Link and Password.
6. Click on link and type in password. (The password is cap sensitive.)
7. Find the printable pack you are looking for listed in alphabetical order, click on it, and voila!
We hope you enjoy your free printable.
Note: If you are already a newsletter subscriber, open your most recent newsletter. At the bottom you will find a link to the Subscriber Only Freebies page, along with the password in case you forgot it.

What a wonderful unit! I love the rain cloud in a jar idea!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry about the kit! I've been looking into a few kits, but have been hesitant to purchase anything after a few negative experiences. The idea of testing those rocks though does seem like so much fun!
Renae this is such a wonderful unit! I love everything, especially the layers of the atmosphere, the playdough... I can name them all! That's what I hate about kits, most of the time they're a total fail, and such a disappointed to parents. Oh well, at least they go to enjoy the rocks!
ReplyDeleteWhat an action packed unit! Bit disappointing about the rock testing not working though. Markers are a great way to colour code when you don't have card stock on hand, glad to hear the materials were a success :)
ReplyDeleteIt always looks like your kids are learning soooooooo much. The activities are amazing!
ReplyDeleteI love these activities ideas so much! What an impressive variety of things to explore and learn from.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop).
Wishing you a lovely day.